Monday, January 14, 2008

Thing 30 - Summary

I would definitely particape in anouther similar learning experience. I like being on my own to work on this when I had time and liked working with my colleagues. I'ts nice to be able to learn at ones own pace.
I did at times wish for more complete instructions or a complete sample to follow for the first time attempting a new process.
We did end up signing up for more features that I thought we would. I guess I could have opted-out but I was going for the full experience.
I don't own a home computer so I don't think I'll use many of the social sites in the near future.
I may make use of the RSS feeds.
Thnks for the opportunity.

Thing 29 - Learning Experience

A great deal of the experiences were new to me as I don't own a computer at home and therefore don't normally have the opportunity to participate in these social sites. I really like the abilty to find and post photos and videos. I look forward to opportunity to use these new skills to enchance the library experience, promote library programs and services and expand personal outreach.

I've looked at other blogs and the personal experience seem to run the gamut. I do belive this was a useful expereince for all who participated.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Rollyo has me rolling in circles. I think I created my file of web sites but I don't know how to access them. I need Cindy's help. This might a useful shortcut ot resources on a specific topic.


Can you believe it? I already had a LibraryThing account. I added some new titles and went back to my earlier titles and added tags.

Image Generator

If it wasn't so hard this could be fun.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Podcasting as a Library Tool

I wasn't able to access the actual podcasts in the list you provided. Pocasting can certainly be used for sharing antyhing we've recorded from story hours to training sessions to author interviews or town meeings.

Podcast Redux

I finally sound out how to do this. This time I think more insturctions to the virtual, socially imparied would have helped me.

Podcasts and Directories

I could only get one of the diretories to work from my computer here at the library.I found some interesting podcasts but didn't find RSS feeds associated with them.

Sea Glass from Flickr

Friday, January 4, 2008

Cheese Steak Challenge


I love Montagr. Not only is it great fun but I was able to use it to identify some lightlhouses.

Flickr + Tags + Libraries

I really liked "10 ways to use FlickrIn your library". I think it's time for articles and usage to reflect that it is NOT just teens who use social networking sites. How about Seriors. They may be retired and have more free time than either teens or adults. In the library, Flickr would be especially great for Local History and Archive photos.

Images aren't easy!

Looking forward to retirement in Maine!