Thursday, December 20, 2007

Web 2.0 Awards

I didn't find this site particularly useful to me personally because the subject headings weren't of much interest to me. I did find one good travel site that rated restaurants, etc. I'm sure this would be a great shortcut for reference service. The book catagory might be useful for Reader's Advisory.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Technorati is a great help in finding usful blogs and leads to websites.

Tagging for Reference

This would be great for hot topics and seasonal reference questions.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Myspace and Me

I've enjoyed MySpace pages of friends. I especially like them for posing information about events such as anniversary celebrations, wedding plans, etc. I don't see a need for one for myself just now.

Social Newtorking at VBPL

I definitely think the teens should decide what they want from a library presence on MySpace, etc.

Monday, December 10, 2007


What an easy way to share ready experiences!

My wiki, Your wiki

Wiki's canbe utilized for team discussions and creation of policy by library staff. Wiki can be used by cutomers for reader's advisiory and book discusions.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

IM At Your Public Library

Not so "I" if the one librarian on duty is busy.

IM and Libraries

I'm waiting to hear about the experiences of our first few months of IM Reference.

RSS Finders

All the finders probably work just fine. I don't seem to have the same interest as others.
RSS Feed are way too cool, Dudes and Dudettes.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Validity of Information on Blogs

I will gladly use Library 2.0 to link customers with information. I do have concerns about the quality of information that appears on many blogs. Much of it is opions, views, and feelings, without any facts to substantiate the valitdy of the posts. I believe most of our customers receive quality information now without the use of Library 2.0 systems.

Lifelong Learning

Although lifelong learning should be as esy as getting out of bed each morning, it does actually contain some stumbling blocks. Inertia is probably the biggest obstacle. It is much easier to proceed in the old manner than to try something new. Failure, or the perception of failure, is always a possiblilty. Hopefully, the desired result in leaning a new skill will be stong enough to overcome any perceived obstacles.